
Returns & FAQ's

If you're here, the likelihood is that something has gone wrong with your order. We do sincerely apologise about this! Our dedicated team here at out and out will try our best to fix this for you. When we receive a return and/or refund request, it is equally as disappointing for us as it has been for you. 

The information on this page sets out our return and refund policies, as well as any related frequently asked questions. Please note that if you have a question or a problem specifically with delivery, you should visit our Delivery Information page. 

At any time, should you wish to discuss a return or refund with one of our customer service team please email: [email protected] or call us on 0203 966 4102 and we will be happy to help.

I wish to change my order?

Just email [email protected] or call us on 0203 966 4102, and we will update your order for you. If your changes require partial refunds or additional payments, we will contact you to arrange this, as long as it is within 24 hours of your order being placed. 

What if I change my mind before delivery?

If you change your mind within 16 hours of placing your order and no delivery booking has been made with our courier we will not charge a cancellation fee, and you will be refunded in full. 

If the cancellation is more than 16 hours, we will automatically apply a cancellation fee of £50 for main-land UK postcodes and £75 for all other areas. 

I would like to return my order in its original condition

If you are not happy with your order or have received an item you no longer want or require, you have 14 days from the date of the successful delivery to notify our customer service team and arrange a collection with our designated courier. 

As long as the returned product is in its original condition and packaging, you will receive a full refund minus the original delivery fee paid at checkout and a cancellation fee of £50 for main-land UK postcodes and £75 for all other areas. 

The exception to this is our made-to-order sofa and armchair collection, whereby we offer a 30-day comfort trial guarantee, meaning if after 30 days you are still unhappy with the comfort of your sofa or armchair, you can return it. You will receive a full refund, minus any delivery and collection fees already incurred. 

I would like to return my order due to a fault 

Items exhibiting a fault or manufacturing defect must be reported within 30 days of delivery. To do this, please fill out our Claim Response Form. We aim to respond as soon as possible with a diagnosis of the issue and a resolution. As part of your submission, please also include a photo of the packaging that your order was delivered in, as this is necessary for our claim assessment procedure. Any returns need to include all components and be repacked in the original packaging. Any claim outside of this time frame will not be eligible for a replacement or refund.

All of our products are covered by a one-year structural guarantee unless otherwise stated. Therefore, if any of our products develop a fault during this time, please contact us and we can arrange a replacement. Exceptions to this guarantee are:
1) Domestic products used in commercial environments
2) General wear and tear
3) Faults due to misuse or inappropriate due care
4) Where we can supply a replacement part to rectify the fault in a reasonable timeframe 

Unfortunately, if the product you need replaced is no longer in stock, we can offer either a full collection and refund, or a replacement of another product in a similar price range. If the product is coming back in stock soon with your agreement, we will assign you to pre-order status. 

What if my box has arrived damaged?

If any items in your order are damaged, please e-mail us with images so we can feed this back to our logistics partners. It’s also important you document transport damage for any claims you raise later. We kindly ask for photos of the boxes and these can be emailed to [email protected] with your order ID and postcode. 

How long will my refund take once my order has been returned? 

For any return, we try to complete the process as quickly as possible, but it can take up to 7 days, as we need to inspect each returned order's condition. Once approved for a refund, it can take up to a further 7 days to be processed. We only issue refunds once the goods have been collected and inspected. Where we have agreed with you that you will dispose of the product, a refund will be issued within 7 days.  

I have received incorrect products

If you believe you have received any incorrect products, please contact us within 4 days of the delivery date at [email protected] or call us on 0203 966 4102. Requests sent after 4 days of receipt of the items will not be accepted under this policy. 

Sizes, dimensions, colours and weights depicted on the website may vary slightly, but if you feel the product has been misrepresented, please contact us. We will always endeavour to resolve any issues to a mutually agreeable solution.

What is Out & Out’s standard warranty?

If your product develops a fault within the first year after the date of delivery, through no fault of your own, you are entitled to a replacement. The warranty period in these circumstances does not renew and is still tied to the original delivery date. We cannot supply you with a replacement once your warranty period has ended.

If we have replacement parts in stock at the time of the claim, we may send those to you with your agreement, rather than replacing the whole product. If the product is no longer in stock we may offer you a similar product at a similar price. We only offer limited compensation in exceptional circumstances.  

What is the process for product return collections? 

  • Our courier will contact you directly to arrange a suitable time for collection. 

  • Any returns need to include all components and be repacked in the original packaging.

  • Prior to arranging a collection, we require a photo to show that the product is in its original packaging. 

  • For collections where the product is faulty or you received incorrect products, we do not charge a re-collection fee. 

  • We cannot compensate customers for time off work or timing inconveniences.

  • If you cancel re-collection within 24 hours of an agreed collection or fail to be present at the time of collection, a re-collection fee of £50 for mainland UK postcodes and £75 for all other areas will be deducted from the refund. This applies to any and all subsequent collections that are necessary. It is your responsibility to re-arrange the collection directly with the courier. If this is not done within 14 days of the original refund request, the refund will be cancelled.

  • It is your responsibility to dismantle the product. If the product cannot be dismantled and packaged safely for transportation, ready for collection, we will not be able to process a collection and refund. Where we agree, the customer will dispose of the product rather than a collection. It is the customer’s responsibility to finance the disposal. 

I would like to make a complaint?

Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience. We have worked really hard to offer high quality products at affordable prices with the fastest delivery possible and provide outstanding customer service too. We take all customer complaints very seriously, investigate them all, try to resolve them all as best as possible and aim to continuously improve. 

Should you wish to escalate any matter to our senior management team, please use our Complaints Form. We endeavour to respond to all customer complaints within 5 working days. 

What are our customer service opening hours?

  • Weekdays: 8am-8pm

  • Saturday: 9am-5pm 

If we have not answered the phone after a few minutes, it is likely that our customer service team is very busy and we would suggest that you email [email protected] and we will call you back as soon as possible or respond accordingly by email.  

Two Person Delivery
Finance Options Available
Assembly Service Available
Returns Guarantee
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